Pure Barre Does New York

I don’t usually cover my workout activities here on a-Listed, but I was thrilled when the owners of newly opened Pure Barre, right by Columbus Circle, asked me to come take a class. Trying new classes around the city and pushing myself to stay in the best shape possible is very important to me, not to mention it allows me to eat sweet treats and gnaw on salami. Picture this: in one ring a kick ass instructor and in the other a set of seemingly harmless workout tools- these two come together at Pure Barre to give students a class focused on toning and tightening each nook and cranny of the body. Pure Barre is different from a boot camp type or aerobics class, in which the focus jumps from arms, then to abs, then back to arms. This class focuses on creating a burn that is nearly unbearable (trust me!) in one muscle group and then stretching before moving on to the next area. At one point, I thought my thighs were going to ignite. I can see how new Barre students see results after only 10 classes! So get to it people, tuck, lift and tone up in a jiffy!

a-Listed Perk: From now until December 1st, enter the code alisted when you register for your first class for a 15% discount!Β 

{Yours truly with the owners of NYC Pure Barre, Kaitlin and Leslie}

{Torture devices in workout equipment costumes}

6 thoughts on “Pure Barre Does New York

  1. Kellen

    This is the most painful, difficult workout I’ve ever done. It is also the most satisfying and addicting…my body has also never looked so good. Expect to work hard, but expect to see results. Thank you, Pure Barre!

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