Habitual Dressing

Humans are creatures of habit. This is evident all over the world, but I feel like New Yorkers can especially relate. We each have our own daily sightings that we’ve come to expect. The violin player at my subway stop that plays facing the wall, the impeccably dressed owner of the nail salon next door to my apartment blasting cigs, the homeless man outside my neighborhood juice shop that undoubtedly gets the change from my smoothie – the list could go on and on. Likewise, we each have those pieces in our closet that we just can’t help but keep on repeat. Lately for me, it’s these t-strap wedges, this perfectly broken in denim button down and this fur beauty seen here and here and here. The key is to be constantly recreating all-star pieces in interesting ways!

Tibi Dress (old), J. Crew Belt, DKNYΒ Vest (similar style), LAMB Heels, Elizabeth & James Sunglasses

2 thoughts on “Habitual Dressing

  1. Pingback: Hole In One | alisted

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