Florence Leather Market

We’ve all had that ping of jealousy when you realize your co-worker’s perfect utilitarian jacket is a flea market find from Paris or your best friend’s undeniably cool bag is from the streets of Italy. Adding a one-of-a-kind treasure to my own wardrobe was at the top of my to do list for our trip. At the Florence leather market in the center of the city, we walked through rows and rows of vendors selling bright python belts, red leather jackets and bags of every shape until I spotted it — the perfect tote bag. After a bit of negotiating with the vendor, I made off with it and plan to use it all summer for toting my computer, work out clothes, snacks (read: gummy bears) and anything else a day in the life might require.

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trina turk toptrina turk embellished top Trina Turk Top, Rag & Bone Shorts, Schutz Sandals, Bag from Florence Leather Market

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